Charging: We electrify our future
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Charging: We electrify our future

In an all-electric future charging is key. That is why we are working on making the charging experience as easy and convenient as possible for our customers.

Our target: To differentiate Mercedes-Benz ownership in every use case and thus turn charging into a truly desirable experience. Therefore, we aim to establish a holistic charging ecosystem.

Already today, with Mercedes me Charge, customers worldwide have access to more than 1,000,000 charging points. With the launch of our own global Mercedes-Benz High-Power Charging Network, we are massively expanding the range of charging options for our customers. This will significantly enhance the usability and convenience as well as differentiate the experience of our customers. The charging network will be open to drivers of all brands. However, it will focus first and foremost on Mercedes-Benz customers, who will enjoy preferential access via a reservation function and other benefits.

This comprehensive initiative, alongside ongoing support for shared networks, such as IONITY, will drive global adoption of electric mobility.

Charging at home and in business use cases

Besides our efforts in the public charging area, we are also pushing in the fields of charging at home and business use cases. We already offer our customers a home charging solution and we will enhance this offer to meet customer needs even better. With our 2nd generation Mercedes-Benz Wallbox, we enable our customers to charge where it is most convenient: at home. In certain markets, customers can also finance or lease their wallbox with Mercedes-Benz Mobility.

Large vehicle fleets have a huge impact on the transformation to an all-electric future. For our business customers, we are currently working on multiple elements of our charging solution offering, including for instance dedicated consulting support, the installation of the charging infrastructure as well as corresponding financial services.

Werden Sie Teil des Mercedes-Benz Ladenetzwerks und eröffnen Sie einen Mercedes‑Benz Ladepark

Unsere Zukunft ist elektrisch! Neben der Elektrifizierung unserer Fahrzeuge spielt dabei auch das Ladeerlebnis unserer Kunden eine entscheidende Rolle. Mit unserem weltweiten Ladenetzwerk und dem Aufbau eigener Charging Hubs, ebnet Mercedes-Benz den Weg in eine vollelektrische Zukunft. Um weiter zu wachsen und unser Netzwerk auszubauen, suchen wir nach neuen Partnern und geeigneten Standorten.

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