Key Figures

Facts and figures

Here you can find the most important facts and figures about Mercedes-Benz Mobility.

2022 2021
Revenue* 26,953 27,941
New business* 58,031 63,631
Contract volume (December 31)* 132,379 133,687
EBIT* 2,428 3,493
EBIT adjusted* 2,428 3,449
Return on Equity (RoE), in % 16.8% 22.3%
Return on Equity (RoE) adjusted, in % 16.8% 22.0%
Employees (December 31) 9,850 9,531

*Amounts in millions of €

Status Quo 12/2022 Target 12/2025
Supervisory Board 50% 40.0%
Executive Board 20% 28.5%
First management level 40% 28.0%
Second management level 31% 28.0%

With a women's share of 41.6% (5 women of 12 members in total) on the Supervisory Board and a women's share of 28.5% (2 women of a total of 7 members) on the Board of Management at the time of the resolution, the Supervisory Board set a target of 40% on the Supervisory Board and 28.5% on the Board of Management in November 2020.

As of December 31, 2022, the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG consists of 10 members, of which 5 women, corresponding to a proportion of women of 50%. As of December 31, 2022, the Board of Management consists of five members, thereof one woman, corresponding to 20% share of women.

With a women's share of 21.4% (3 women of a total of 14 managers) at first and 24.5% (14 women of a total of 57 managers) at second management level below the Board of Management at the time of the resolution, the Board of Management determined a target of 28% for the first and 28% for the second level below the Board of Management by December 31, 2025 in November 2020.

As of December 31, 2022, the first management level below the Board of Management consists of 15 managers, of whom 6 women, corresponding to a percentage share of women of 40%. At the second management level below the Board of Management, as of December 31, 2022, 18 out of a total of 58 managers are women, corresponding to 31%.

The targets for the Supervisory Board, the first management level and the second management level below the Board of Management have thus already been met for the status quo of 12/2022. Due to the reduction of the Board of Management from 7 to 5 persons and the associated departure of a woman from the committee, the target for the Board of Management cannot yet be achieved as of December 31, 2022.

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