Mercedes-Benz Mobility in the interim report

Please find here the interim reports from Mercedes-Benz Mobility (from 2022 on) and from the former Daimler Mobility AG (until 2021).

Q2 Report 2023


Mercedes-Benz Mobility tripled new business volume for BEVs (battery electric vehicles) to €1.8 billion (Q2 2022: €0.6 billion).

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Q1 Report 2023


Compared to the first quarter of the previous year, Mercedes-Benz Mobility was able to more than double the new business volume for BEVs (battery electric vehicles) to €1.2 billion (Q1 2022: €0.5 billion).

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Q3 Report 2022


In the third quarter of 2022, Mercedes-Benz Mobility reached an adjusted Return on Equity (RoE) of 15.8%. The new business of Mercedes-Benz Mobility declined slightly by 3% to €14.3 billion compared to the prior-year’s quarter.

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Q2 Report 2022


The secondquarter of 2022 shows us that we can perform well even in a dynamic and challenging environment if we work attentively, work as a team and pull in the same direction.

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Q1 Report 2022


The first quarter of 2022 shows us that we can perform well even in a dynamic and challenging environment if we work attentively, work as a team and pull in the same direction.

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Q3 Report 2021


  • New business increased by 22% to €14.6 billion
  • Adjusted EBIT was €943 million
  • Adjusted return on equity was 23.3%
  • The financial performance of the division strongly benefitted from lower refinancing costs and the strong credit quality of the portfolio. Daimler Mobility is expanding its offering of support for EV sales but these remain at a level equivalent to ICE vehicles.

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Q2 Report 2021


  • New business increased by 23% to €17.2 billion
  • Adjusted EBIT was €930 million
  • Adjusted return on equity was 24.0%
  • Positive effects resulted from lower credit-risk provisions, a credit provision release of €120 million, lower refinancing costs and improved development of the business operations, as well as from strict cost discipline.

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Q1 Report 2021


  • New business increased by 4% to €16.8 billion
  • Adjusted EBIT was €691 million
  • Adjusted return on equity was 18.7%

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