Change in the organisational structure: Mercedes-Benz Mobility realigns its Board of Management

Change in the organisational structure: Mercedes-Benz Mobility realigns its Board of Management

Mercedes-Benz Mobility is adapting its global organisational structure following a strategic realignment. In the future, the 35 national subsidiaries that manage the leasing, financing and insurance business for Mercedes-Benz customers in these markets will be steered directly. At the same time, there will be a new Board of Management function responsible for Sales & Marketing.

You can find out about the foundations of Mercedes-Benz Mobility’s corporate strategy here.

New structure, many advantages

The new organisational structure reduces complexity, and will help to increase speed and efficiency in implementing strategic initiatives that are part of the transformation process. That applies especially to the expansion of digital services for customers, flexible financial products and the transition to more online-based contracting.

"The regional structure of Mercedes-Benz Mobility was a very good foundation for our corporate success in the previous years. However, the framework conditions for the business are in transition: customer behaviour is changing, and at the same time, the use of technology is making more integrated and scalable processes possible. The new functional alignment also supports this transformation process structurally and makes us faster and more efficient overall."

Franz Reiner

Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG

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