BMW Group and Mercedes-Benz Mobility intend to sell their car-sharing joint venture SHARE NOW to Stellantis

BMW Group and Mercedes-Benz Mobility intend to sell their car-sharing joint venture SHARE NOW to Stellantis

Mercedes-Benz Mobility and BMW Group intend to sell their joint venture SHARE NOW to Stellantis. The three companies recently signed an agreement to this effect and agreed not to disclose the details of the transaction. It is also subject to the approval of the relevant antitrust authorities.

The sale of the car-sharing subsidiary contributes to the realignment of the mobility joint ventures:
In the future, shareholders intend to concentrate on two central business areas with high growth potential: digital multi-mobility FREE NOW and digital services related to the charging of electric vehicles CHARGE NOW.

"We are proud to have founded the free-floating car sharing segment with car2go. Although Mercedes-Benz will focus more strongly on its core business in the luxury segment, car sharing will remain an important part of urban mobility and an essential element in the mobility offer at FREE NOW. With FREE NOW and CHARGE NOW, we are focusing on two growth segments that will continue to offer our customers the entire range of mobility services in the future and support the expansion of electric mobility."

Gero Götzenberger

Director of Strategy and Investments at Mercedes-Benz Mobility

FREE NOW is a pioneer of multimodal mobility with its digital Mobility-as-a-Service platform - today the company offers access to almost 180,000 vehicles in over 150 cities in the FREE NOW app through its partner network. With one click users can reach the largest selection of vehicles in Europe, from e-scooters to ebikes, e-mopeds and car sharing to taxis and chauffeured vehicles. FREE NOW thus meets the increasing desire of customers to be able to freely choose the best way from A to B with a mobility app. The increasing integration of public transport and the implementation of a mobility budget last year demonstrate the aimed growth perspective of the multimodal mobility app.

FREE NOW is a pioneer of multimodal mobility with its digital Mobility-as-a-Service platform - today the company offers access to almost 180,000 vehicles in over 150 cities in the FREE NOW app through its partner network. With one click users can reach the largest selection of vehicles in Europe, from e-scooters to ebikes, e-mopeds and car sharing to taxis and chauffeured vehicles. FREE NOW thus meets the increasing desire of customers to be able to freely choose the best way from A to B with a mobility app. The increasing integration of public transport and the implementation of a mobility budget last year demonstrate the aimed growth perspective of the multimodal mobility app.

The Digital Charging Solutions GmbH (DCS), which is behind the CHARGE NOW brand, brings together drivers of electric vehicles and charging station operators in 31 European countries. The market leader offers digital services as white label solutions, ranging from comprehensive access to the charging infrastructure of currently more than 300,000 charging points in Europe to complete billing. The DCS currently covers more than 85% of Europe's charging services - more than any other provider. With CHARGE NOW for Business, DCS also offers the leading software for the management of e-car fleets. The company is benefiting from the increasing demand for electric mobility. The entry of bp as the third shareholder in 2021 strengthens DCS to fully harness the further growth potential. The cooperation agreement with HERE, the platform for locationbased data and technology, in the first quarter of 2022 as well as the partnership with smart and ABB-EMobility before the premiere of the all-electric smart #1 underline the strong momentum of DCS.

In the first three months of the year, the mobility joint ventures have consistently developed their products and involved other partners. At 42.3 million, transactions were almost 30% higher than in the prior-year quarter (32.6 million).

Expansion of SHARE NOW into the leading car sharing provider in Europe

SHARE NOW was established in 2019 by the pioneers of free-floating car sharing and combines the DNA of car2go, which was developed by the former Daimler AG, and DriveNow, the BMW Group's offering. Together, both shareholders have developed SHARE NOW into the market leader in Europe and continuously developed it further, including new offers such as long-term car sharing. With the acquisition of SHARE NOW, Stellantis’ mobility subsidiary Free2move would have the opportunity to further expand car sharing in Europe and thus meet the diverse mobility needs of its customers.

Further information on Mercedes-Benz Mobility is available at:

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